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Showing posts from 2008

What a day !!

Today is 'Boss's day' in the corporate world ! Linh and I presented our boss with a cute greeting card and had a nice chat with her ! Feel like baby is dropping into my pelvis day by day .. just feels a lot more heavier when I walk around, and sleeping is becoming slightly difficult :-) but hey its all a part of the game ... Im loving it .. hoping all goes smooth and well Worked from home after noon .. was feeling very tired but had loads of work to finish up .. Hubby dear has bought Pizzza from Domino's for tiffin .. isnt that sweet of him :-))

Filter Cofee - class Apart in itself !

For those of you who have drank amma's filter coffee (Narasu's, Bru) etc .. may know what Im referring to ! 1000 flavors available ... but nothing can beat the freshness in filter cofee, that too drinking out of steel tumblers [these days called coffee mugs for the elite :-) ] So here goes hubby and my relish ! we made filter coffee and drank in steel mugs after excessive 'athifying' and enjoyed our morning treat ... wat a day ! Its sunday .. and today's menu includes carrot (Gajar) Halwa and chepankhazhangu roast curry !!! mouth watering ain't it :-)

A Ray Of Hope

This is a poem I wrote one afternoon in the summer of 2006. A few months after I migrated to the US as a newbee. We all have gone through 'challenging phases' and this was mine, and here is the poet inside me that came out for the first time, This blurry phase did pass, but I surprised myself by penning down a poem :) A RAY OF HOPE I patiently wait for that day, When life will again happen my way! I look at my past, And wonder 'Do things ever last ? ' Gone are those carefree days forever, Present is just for momentary pleasure . Days pass and nights go by, Nothing ever changes, just like the sky .. There are those phases in life That take you down a waterslide .. As I struggle to emerge out, A day will come when I can laugh out loud ! All I can do is .. wait patiently !

Life from within

This is my first blog. I am really excited about it. Coincidentally, today I start my 35th week in this memorable journey through pregnancy. What a feeling - a feeling of being blessed by the divine power. The feeling of nurturing another life within can be beautiful, that is what I believe.I have been patiently waiting since I found out at 8 weeks. I've been extra careful, so as to keep my baby safe and cozy. She has been kicking and moving as though she is playing. Sometimes I wonder what she is doing so quitely in there ! I Can't wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her ! Waiting for that magical moment to happen. Hubby has been the most supportive person till date. Parents and In-laws are still in India, and hubby has been taking care of all kitchen duties. Love him so much for being there for me. Hubby dear has stepped out to run some errands around the house .. Perfect weather for a small drive, maybe we will plan sumthing for this evening - movie or shopping. Argg I