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Showing posts from July, 2010

Beyond us !

First it was my good friend's mother, then it was an elderly woman I knew since I was young, then it was a middle aged woman I knew, then it was another elderly woman who I have known very closely .. all victims .. to CANCER. Tears rolled down my cheeks hearing the latest news, that that woman's cancer is at stage 4. Some things are beyond us. There can be no justification for such things happening to really good people. The effect such news can have on us is drastic. If only there was a cure. All I can do is pray for them, and their family.

Scars of time

Situations we wish never happened in the first place, certain periods of time that seemed to pass very slow, like eternity but that will also pass. But there is always a reminder lingering in the mind, i think it is subconcious, and is there to stay in you for as long as you live.