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Showing posts from 2012

Back from paradise

It's almost is like a reality-check to be back from a week long vacation get away. Hawaii was a paradise;  we experienced heaven on earth, literally. Everybody seemed chillaxed, happy, with all smiles; in short it was a life with no planned agendas, no pressing commitments and deadlines. Iit was truly a one of a kind experience. I would compare the feeling with our Disney Land trip a couple of years back, where we felt transformed into another world - a world where only happiness exists ! Wow, I will cherish this feeling always. We most surely will go back to vacation in Hawaii in future. It was a trip spanning 7 nights and 8 days. It reminded me of India, actually. Sounds a little offbeat, but in seeing so many folks walking on the streets, seeing a ton of street vendors, small eat-outs, I really could very well relate to India. Plus, with the scenic Waikiki beach being only minutes away from our hotel, it was too hard to let go on our flight back. Couldnt complain about the

'Under the Weather'

Bad timing, is what I label my cold symptoms this time around. We are packing off to a dream vacation to Hawaii in a day's time, and now both my baby and I are under the weather (meaning feeling sick). I get hit with a cold really bad, twice a year, for sure. Every Aprilish and Novemberish is when I know I am going to fall sick. Weather usually changes in this time in Houston, from either freaking hot to chilly windy; or from chilly cold to warm. Somehow my body knows - first comes a sore throat with pain, then comes a runny nose, then comes the bad evil - the stuffed nose with cough. And not to forget the other add-ons (tired, lazy, sleepy, dull). While I get through these symptoms, the excitement absolutely remains as our countdown to Hawaii trip has begun. Archu has decided all the toys that will board the flight along with us LOL ! Who can avoid the last minute packing ? It happens all the time :-)


You can never please everybody all the time. This is a bare truth, and those of us who have tried would know. There will always be someone somewhere that will not be as pleased as others. But, that's not your fault ! :-) We've all seen these folks - the ones who come to us only when we have succeeded. They would not have thought of us in a long time.

Wise Ones, contd ..

I love these. There are four kinds of people: (1) Those who make great things happen (2) Those who watch things happen (3) Those who block things from happening, and (4) Those who wonder what happened Take the time to be aware; it is the opportunity to help others. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Discovering the 'Roots'

I remember being fascinated by a TV commercial for a website called It was a new concept, in 2005 perhaps.  I love how in the US, they trace the roots with the Social Security Number  and form the family tree. Hailing from India, a country that has existed and birthed generations much earlier that the US; I often wish that our ancestors had some sort of tracking mechanism. I'm glad that the PAN number concept has sprung up in recent times, but nevertheless. How many of us can pin point where we came from?  I would love to know though. Many of us have moved cities. Many of us have parents that made the move earlier on in their careers. I know Indians in the US who were born here because their great grand parents moved here in 1950s. I am curious to know more about my Ancestory. We don't have any tracking mechanism such as Social Security numbers, but it would be nice if I knew the profession the men folk were involved in, where did the move to, what was their

Random Musings on a lazy afternoon

It was lunch time at work. Got myself a sandwich from the cafeteria downstairs and got back to my office. It was a relatively slow day at work, so I decided to do some reading online. I casually googled 'Fortune 500 list for 2012'. I was impressed in seeing the results. Chevron was listed in world # 3 ranking. Exxon was on top, followed by Chevron. Walmart, and Conoco phillips followed the list. Way to go Chevron. This is awesome; and in experiencing the chevron work ethic and lifestyle, I think it is well deserved. I'm thankful to god for giving me the opportunity. On a different note, I totally vouch on this quote. Will you allow the doubts in your own mind to stop you from getting to the places that you truly have the ability to go. Do you allow what people say about your work, or your dreams affect you ? The only way that you won't be criticized is if you live a life without taking much action. We will always have people who come against us, even when we f

Posting after a hiatus

Last I blogged about six months back, that sounds crazy to me. I'm being lazy, in fact, work has been busy; plus my energy levels run empty by 6 pm, I know ! Now for some penning of my thoughts. I'm so grateful to everything, everyone. Can't really complain about my 17 mile commute, becasuse I've always driven that distance which is the norm here in Houston. I  keep active so that we channel Archu's energy in the right path and spend quality time with my baby. She loves to sit down with me and pratice her alphabet writing, numbers and we wrap up with fun coloring with crayons. We hosted a satsang at home, our first one., and It was such a divine experience. My humble thanks to all those who made it possible. All devotees of Houston Namadwaar were present and chanting the divine mantra, and krishna bhajans. I am developing a magnetic attraction towards the world of spirituality, healthy living, yoga and excersing.  I have always been spiritual since chilhood

On a light note

National language, or not ?

Hindi is the official national language of India. It's amazing to see how each state has its own local dialect and still we remain bonded as one country. This truly reflects Unity in Diversity. It's funny though; I went to CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) board and learnt Hindi as my second language elective, and Sanskrit as my third elective. I did not learn to write Tamil, my mothertongue. Mom taught it to me at home. This Hindi taught at school is very literary, that is, we learnt vyakaran (grammer), wrote hindi essays, read poems, read dohas etc. It was 'bookish', if you know what I'm saying, not the Bollywood way. I've been in peculiar situations here in the US where we are in a group and hindi friends just talk to each other in Hindi, and presume everyone is comfortable. Really ? No. I have a very empathetic personality and I always put myself in others shoes before judging or talking. I think about how it will affect the person. That's

What am I watching

I was seeing TV last night after a heavy dinner, following my night MBA class. Happy to be home after driving amidst reckless race car drivers. Not a big time movie buff myself, but I am appreciating good movies lately. Thanks to many websites like soku, yoku that upload Tamil and Hindi movies for folks like me and hubby who are lazy to drive 40 plus miles to see an Indian Movie in Bigscreen at a desi theatre. Mouna Guru - Saw it last evening, it kept me glued to the screen .. I was waiting for the next twist to happen. Arulnithi, who I saw for the first time actually impressed me. Climax was slightly too melodramatic for me. Nanban - First thought that went thru me - how good can a 'ditto' remake be (after having enjoyed 3 Idiots to the fullest), but I must say Vijay took me by surprise. No item song, not punch dialogue, no show off, no sarcasm, just plain little situations portrayed thoughfully. Very nice ! Adventures of Tintin - What a visual treat for the 3 D e

Once bitten twice shy, or may be more

I stumbled upon the following on a website called I can relate to this one so much, and I have decided to put it on my blog. It goes like this .. " I try to learn from the mistakes that were made in past relationship, become wiser and more cautious after each one. Therefore it takes me time to be able to show how I really feel about a person. Although inside my heart melts for every compliment made by them, every sweet or kind thing they do, and truly appreciate the warmth they show.   But I will not throw myself out there and wear my heart on my sleeve until they have earned my trust. I have been hurt, and badly in relationships.  Its just the reality of my life, and the choices I may have made.  So I am a sceptic, and will believe words that are backed up by actions more so thea just words. I will make sure they have shown me and have accepted me and respected me for being me. I cannot pretend to be who I am not.  And allowed me the time n

Just for laughs - what went around came back

A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly, her husb and came into the kitchen. "Careful," he said, "Careful! Put in some more oil! Oh my GOD! You're cooking too many at once. Too many! Turn them! Turn them now! You need more oil. Oh my God! Where are we going to get more oil? The eggs are going to stick! Careful, careful! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget that. Use the salt. Use the Salt! The Salt!" The wife stared at him angrily, "What is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?" The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you how it feels like when I'm DRIVING and you do the same! ! !" Been there, done that .. !? ;-)

Culinary yumm

We love to dine out every once in a while - fine dining, casual, fast food .. We picked Olive Garden this time 'coz it was long due. Our waiter was such a sweetheart - started us off with free tasting white wine .. for which I have developed an 'acquired taste', not to forget the yummy minestrone soup with garlic bread complimentary appetizers. This is always a winner with us ! Hubby and I decided to divide a single entree by 2, and order 1 drink. So, we choose to go with Fettucini Alfredo, with grilled onions, tomatoes, asparagus, banana peppers (sweet Italian peppers), zucchini and squash .. complete with chocolate martini ! Yumm Yumm ! Relished the dinner that night ! Our waiter was so generous in brigning refills on the soup and breadsticks. As for our dear Archu, she shared the soup and fettucini pasta from me and was busy coloring the sheet that he brough for her :-)