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Posting after a hiatus

Last I blogged about six months back, that sounds crazy to me. I'm being lazy, in fact, work has been busy; plus my energy levels run empty by 6 pm, I know !

Now for some penning of my thoughts.

I'm so grateful to everything, everyone. Can't really complain about my 17 mile commute, becasuse I've always driven that distance which is the norm here in Houston. I  keep active so that we channel Archu's energy in the right path and spend quality time with my baby. She loves to sit down with me and pratice her alphabet writing, numbers and we wrap up with fun coloring with crayons.

We hosted a satsang at home, our first one., and It was such a divine experience. My humble thanks to all those who made it possible. All devotees of Houston Namadwaar were present and chanting the divine mantra, and krishna bhajans.

I am developing a magnetic attraction towards the world of spirituality, healthy living, yoga and excersing.  I have always been spiritual since chilhood, and as I mature, I am drifting more toward spirituality and a quest for truth, for answers, for divinity and for self realization. I want to be good to everyone. I dont want to talk about others to others. I am not interested in petty mis-understandings. I am watchful of my words. I want to get to the next level. I'm more focused on my health and in keeping a positive outlook. Isn't that a step up in the right direction? I believe it is !


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