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Back with my blog ... after a long gap

I am finally back to blogging .. atleast thts what im hoping for ! Its been pretty busy with my beautiful cuddly daughter who is almost 9 months old now ... whaaaat already 9 mon ? yeah time has flown by

Memories of my parents visit still linger fresh iin my head .. Its wierd but i remember each and everyday since my baby was born -- our tiny bundle of joy --- wow I remember holding her in my hand for the first time tears rolling down my cheeks .. with hubby dear by my side .. Its been a journey ... I've learnt so much and matured like never before ... what little mattered so much don't matter anymore .. Motherhood is wonderful and it has taught me so much ...

anyways .. here is a quick summary of all my activities since my last blog (oct 16). It so happened a few days after that blog I was put on bedrest due to preterm labor and guess what .. I delivered within a couple of weeks (thank heavens my parents arrived just in time or hell would have broken loose)

That was just the start of my happiness ... the sleepless nights and the post-partum hormones did their part and eventually said BYE-BYE to me .. yayyyyy ! We enjoyed so much , so many visitors came home, so many gifts for the baby, amma cooked daily for us and it was truly a blessing to have someone take care of you :-)

Appa left after a while .. but amma stayed for the entire 6 mon and I remember coming back early from work to take amma out ..

Eventually work got overwhelmingly tiring and stressful and I decided to quit, to stay home to take care my home, baby and hubby dearest. Man .. this is the best decision in my life till now .. what relief and happiness .. and guess feel energitic and fresh most of the time ... been able to try out new dishes and cook daily :-) , play with my baby and most important of all .. be there for my loved ones always !


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