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Things I have learnt

I have learnt some valuable life lessons over the years and want to compile them so my kids can benefit.

- Health is wealth, We realize it most only when we get sick.

- Your spouse can be your best friend.

-You are your child's hero.

-Past is history, Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift, that's why its called 'Present'.

- Don't worry about what people think of you.

- Greet with a warm smile, no matter your mood.

- It's all in your mind.

-When someone says something, listen and appreciate.

- Watch your words.

- Work when you want to, also take a break when you have to. (Applies more so to women)

- Your baby has one childhood. Relish it with him/her leaving no regrets.

- Your parents love you the most, and you love your parents as much as they love you inspite of any past arguments.

- Never make someone feel like they are less worthy than you.

- Never show off, because everyday is not sunday. Things can change.

- It helps to put yourself in their shoes. (Empathy)

- Its ok not to have that tight belly. You are a mother, and that is the proof.

-What works for him/her won't work for you, because each one is unique.

- Team work - the most important thing on earth

- Don't expect a lot.

- Its not easy to make best friends as an adult, as it was in childhood.

- Friendships grow and ripen with time.

- Some things are genetic. It came to you from your parents.

- As we age, we get more peaceful and accomodative.

- Believe in god. If you do not believe in god, believe that there is a super-natural power.

-Advice is the easiest thing to give in this world.

-Sometime in life, you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have taken. It is the journey to find yourself.

- The grass is greener on the other side.

-You just have to have a dream. Thats all it takes. Finish your course at your own pace. Again, don't worry about what a Tom, Dick or Harry thinks. Your life is yours. Its all same at the end.

- Learn the rules very well .. only then you can break them

- You are not liked for who your are, but for how you make others feel

- There is no point trying to prove anything to anybody.


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