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This weekend had been crazily busy

Past few weeks have been so hectic, I am going to try to describe it. I' ve been trying to catch up with many things - here's our friday,saturday and sunday briefly summarised.

Friday morning - I wake up, feed her , play with her , start cooking, feed her, try to finish cooking, put her to sleep, eat , talk to friends, try to browse online, clean up on yday's mess, organize toys, organize the closet, visit the library, spend some time online and after hubby comes home, we call up another couple to dine out at pavani - also undergoing the same 'catch up syndrome' as us .. why ? they too have a baby - and remember Houston's extensive geography - every little outing is a long journey and with the heat !

what happens next will suprise you - the darn power went off at the restaurant ! yes I repeat, there was no power at the restaurant ! why ? blame the passing severe thunder storms .. and we had to eat in the dark, with a tiny candle by us, ofcourse no AC and 2 kids amongst us .. sweaty as it gets , My friend and I had dinner first, while the husbands watched the kids outside to get some air, then it was our turn. Finally power came back at 10 pm, and we were back home by 11 pm ( remember Houston drives are like mini journeys)

phew .. Archu did not go to bed until 12, so we were up playing the 'please sleep sweetie' game ! This wrapped up my friday ......................................

Saturday - something silly happened to me .. sometimes its nice to laugh at some thing silly you have done .. my first yoga class was scheduled at 6.45 on SUNDAY. I routinely awoke 6-7 times between 12 and 5 to either feed or pat her to sleep .. and after one such awaking, I assumed it was time for my yoga class and crazily shot for the garage .. where are my keys ! oh man I don't want to be late on my first day ... So I drive up to the location, and wait for like 10 minutes - all decked up in yoga clothes bla bla ..

I looked at my cell phone and made the important realization - darn its not sunday !!! and I was half asleep in the car ! Ok I reach home already sweaty (Houston heat) at 7 am :-( Duh
When I get back home hubby and I have a hearty laugh ! OK lets make us cofee ... what there is no milk - WE NEED TO DO GROCERY SHOPPING ! OH man .. I looked at my things to do list and felt a spin - call lawn mainenance, buy mulch, closet clothes, Laundry, wash dishes, read to the baby. Luckily we had creamer in the pantry for emergencies like this .. which happens rearely.

While we think of all this, Archu's nap time has come .. we are lured into doing our chores .. but hey - when the baby sleeps - you sleep - and its the weekend ! gimme a break ! We have a pooja function to attend this evening ! Plus I need to start India Packing today - I bring down 4 huge suitcases from the top floor - now I need to also accomodate india shopping for everyone .. which means I need time and energy.

While hubby and baby head to the 'Garden center' to buy the long due Mulch, I cook up sambar and avial with rice, and also make pappu mammu ready for baby, she will be tired and hungry when she gets back. As planned, they return, I feed her solid, we have lunch - and its time to fold laundry clothes - as I fold clothes, I notice baby is putting something in her mouth - noooooooo archu dont .. I scream .. as I run to her.

Still the grocery has to be done - remember. We order pizza for evening, and while hubby drives to pick up, I quicky dress up in sari for the evening function, and dress her up in pavdai. and ofcourse, makeup does consume time .. He is back, we eat pizza, and rush to the evening function.

Time to socialize. Function goes well.. Archu is hungry - time to feed her - and we eat dinner - pose for photos and get back at 11 pm .. to find that archu has started coughing. My heart skipped a beat ! With impending travel on the cards, and archu coughing vigorously, I put her to sleep and call the Hospital after hours nurse for advice. While all this happens, we fall asleep, only to be woken again with some sounds from the crib .. yes I need to wake up again .. or no - or maybe its hubby's turn !

Sunday morning is here ! Remember I mentioned about my yoga class - yes ! This time I did not make a mistake .. drove fully prepared .. learnt some asanas with the other ladies ! Came back home - and guess what .. today is also vinayaka chaturti, avani avatam, my friend's seemantham. So Off I head to shower, dress up in sari, make dosas for hubby for breakfast while he takes care of archu, and I am off to the seemantham ( traditional baby shower pooja).

When I get back, baby has been fed and hubby is off to the temple for avani avatam (sacred thread changing ceremony) and I take over the house hold chores. I was extremely sleepy when he returned. We all go into sleep mode again. Now i have some voicemails from friends whom I had invited home to celebrate vinayaka chaturti. We also have grocery shopping still to do. What did we do - called our friends and explained - ofcourse they were darlings , they understood and decided to drop by at a later date ! Love you guys !

In between all these, we have to call parents in India, since its the weekend, to catch up. I still have calls to return .. And as far as my weekend goes, its over, and I am all set for Monday morning !


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