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Good ol' days

Remember cycling to school, in the traffic, with the uniform and braided hair .. what chaos during those days .. amma cooking, maid cleaning, appa shaving, sis1 bathing, sis2 still sleeping, and me eating breakfast .. seeing the tv or hearing the radio .. fun days really

i remember my best friend Rupali in 1st grade, she refused to eat and her mom called my mom, and said only if varshini eats rupali will eat . .so please make varshini eat .. wow ~~ I have since lost contact with her, hopefully i will bump into her someday. 1st thru 4th grades amma came to school and gave lunch to me, and a group of girlfriends sat under a tree on the playground and ate.

4th and 5th grades were so playful. running around and giggling with the girls, fighting with the boys, preparing for that 100 meters race for sports day, mass drills etc etc ... amma used to force me to study every day LOL

8th grade meant change - new school, teenage emotions bla bla .. opened a whole new door. I remember it was holi day, and the school banned colors inside the school campus and we were waiting for the evening bell, and changed t shirts, and started playing holi. This was the time i started playing throwball for the school team .. we did tournaments, it was team play. just masti and fun. i used to share with my friends my new nail polish, we used to cycle to home together .. I had a hero ranger, I used to cycle with both hands free .. donno how i did it, but I sure did LOL

High school was mostly academics .. many friends left CBSE for state board. But I stayed put in CBSE, which meant most of my friends moved away to differernt schools .. It felt so new, so strange, so different, to adapt and start afresh among new classmates. It was not the most pleasant experience I've had, but nothing to complain about. The funny thing I realize now, is that we still had to wear skirt and shirt to school, while most other schools went with more traditional uniforms. I remember the paatu class (music class) that we 3 sisters used to go to, as triples on kinetic honda ... we used to practise singing at home too.

College was a new chapter, as with everyone else, with me as well. I was a pretty and petite girl, brimming with confidence. I did extremely well academically, and stayed away from sports, which I was actually pretty good at. At school I was a fast runner, a good throwball player. First year at college, I remember I was in ' D 'section, we were a big group then... we have gone to cinemas, to beaches, to friends houses, to eat out etc etc etc .. fun days .. That was the time I really had a 'wardrobe' which primarily consisted of salwar sets ..

Second year of college onwards, classes were split based on our majors. This was another change. There was just one girl from my section (D) who came to my class now. She was the only one I had talked to earlier. It was a different feeling. Again it was a new start. I was all for it ! Excited ! Scared ! Anxious ! Conscious ! But I enjoyed it, i looked forward to my bus ride everyday. I boarded my bus at 7.40 am, and our route was along the coast, it was so rejunuvating every  morning, that fresh air, to see the waves, vast open areas on the beach waters, the boats and fishermen ..  it was a lovely feeling . It pepped me up to face everyday. Wow, I wish I could go in my bus no# 1 again.

One thing is for sure - Academically, I gave it my best shot and I was able to consistently remain the topper, and finally got state rank, which I sure am proud of, whether others acknowledge it or not :) :) It certainly is a feat, to be able to consistenly perform ! Kudos to me !!


  1. well written!! Kudos to you - a good student,child,sis,wife and now a great mom!!


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