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Friends are the new Family

As far as I live from 'Home', and by 'Home' now I am not sure if I should call US my home or India; I am beginning to realize that friends are becoming family. It has been 4 years since I knew my close tamil circle here in Houston. Although I do not see them frequently, when I do, the bond gets tighter.

Not having blood-relations closeby, the phone and email is my only way of connecting back home in India. Whereas it is the same familiar faces that I see at each important event or hindu festival here that makes me feel the way I do. I told hubby last night, that I think slowly the bond will get stronger and our kids will know each other growing up. I like that I can speak tamil my way when I meet this gang, I like that we share a similar background in terms of familiarity with tamil movies, tamil songs, tamil festivals etc. It is that comfort level that I like despite having different personality types.

I felt like penning this down, so I can remember this feeling when I read my blog 20 years later, and I hope to be a part of this circle then too. Ofcourse, there are many loving friends that live closeby who share the same cultural background and like I have mentioned in  my earlier postings, to love and be loved is the most important thing that matters to me in my life. I love them all, although I don't know if they know it. I hope I can make some long lasting relationships with them for me and my family, and Archu will be happy I did.

Relationships take time to grow, while there is also an inevitable aspect of mutual respect required, trustworthiness and 'being-there-when-I-need-you' feelings are a part of the package. My new year 2012 resolution is to remember to wish friends on their birthdays, (through facebook reminders)



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